[CoLoCo] TIE update (panera meeting outcomes)

Jim Hutchinson jim at ubuntu-rocks.org
Fri May 30 17:17:39 BST 2008

Greetings all,

Several of us (Leon, Kevin, David Willson, Connie and Nick O'Dell, and
myself) meet on Wednesday to plan out a bit more how and what we will be
doing at TIE this year. Most of the info you may need in order to see what
we have going and were we still need help is listed on the wiki page.


While we spent a fair amount of time in general geek chat, we did manage to
come up with a few plans. Perhaps the biggest one is the need for a custom
Ubuntu VM appliance that can be burned to a DVD or put on a flash drive (we
might be able to get some donated flash drives) and given to attendees. The
goal here is to extend the FOSS session to include some Linux only apps and
get Ubuntu into the hands of educators in a way that is fairly simple to use
(i.e. running it in vm-player in windows). Leon agreed to work on this with
some help from David.

We also decided to add a new app called Phun. Nick O'Dell agreed to put
together a lesson/tutorial on this. All lessons are being collected on the
"lessons" wiki page.


I would very much like to get a lesson/tutorial up there for Kig. This is a
very promising program and similar to a propritary app called Geometers
Sketchpad. I think Kig still needs a bit of work to realy rival GS but there
are a lot of cool things that can be done with it. Some high schools will
purchase GS but there are few elementary schools that will. Kig would be
perfect for them. If anyone can put together a little tutorial with Kig that
would be great. There is a link for a lesson on the wiki for this page but
it doesn't exist yet. This is one of the Linux only apps (I think) that will
we put on the vm appliance so having something for everyone to do will
really help them see the value of investing a bit of effort to get Ubuntu
running either by using the vm appliance or installing it.

We also need some sort of lesson/tutorial for the Shodor stuff (
http://www.shodor.org/interactivate/activities/). This may not be strictly
FOSS (although it was in the FOSS education catalog (
http://www.osv.org.au/index.cgi?tid=155). If anyone would like to put
something together here aimed at elementary or middle school it would be
much appreciated.

Doing lessons is an easy way to help without having to trek up to Copper
Mtn. If you do want to make the trek, we do need some people to help set up
the "servers" on Wed night. It may not be that hard but having a few extra
hands around will make it even easier. We would also like some extra help
around at the software session on Wed morning (8:30). We will have a lot of
people, hopefully, and they will likely have lots of questions. Two or three
people will not be enough to provide good support. This is a great way to
help spread Ubuntu (both senses of the word). Please consider adding your
name to the list on the wiki (or email me and I'll add it).

Finally, there are still a few open slots for manning the Ubuntu table.
Please check the wiki for days and times and see if you can help out.


PS - I plan to take everyone who helps out for a beer or two (or whatever
you prefer) on Wed night after setting up the servers. If you help out in
some way but cannot be there I'll have to catch you another time.

Jim (Ubuntu geek extraordinaire)
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