[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Fun Ride Maybe

swoody swoody at ubuntu.com
Tue May 4 23:24:41 BST 2010

> Another common trip I hear about people from the city doing is biking
> down to 3 Floyds Brewpub (Munster, IN) or Flossmore Station Brewpub. I
> think both consist mostly of trails and ride along the Metra line. The
> 3 Floyds Route is about 35 miles one way if I remember correctly. I
> think Flossmore might be about 20-25 miles. The Flossmore Brewpub is
> right next to the Flossmore Station metra stop. That has an added
> benefit of allow some people to do a half ride, aka bike down and then
> train back. Also if you did the Flossmore route then if people wanted
> to grab food or drink at the brewpub they could and non-cyclists could
> take the metra and meet up.

I like it :)

A nice ride, good beers, pub food, and the metra right next door. It
sounds like it could wind up being a really nice event as anyone who
either doesn't have a bike, or can't participate in the ride can just meet
us up at the pub and we can all hang out down there.

I think it would be great if we can find out a bit more about the path to
get down there.

Steve Woodruff
swoody at ubuntu.com

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