[Ubuntu Chicago] Calling at website designers

Richard JOHNSON nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu Jan 21 05:12:02 GMT 2010

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 10:56:07PM -0600, Tim Potter wrote:
> So would the focus be around the collection of tweets/dents for listing on
> the site ?

Not only for listing on the site, but also for posting to both Identi.ca
and Twitter when we release News, Events, or even send out messages for
blog posts aggregated via a planet. Really, the main idea behind it is to
create a solid presence on both Twitter and Identi.ca for people there to

> If such a solution exists, I could see it being filled with interesting
> things if we can define it to list based on certain string combinations such
> as ubuntu+chicago, linux+chicago, <insert your favorite code language> +
> chicago, or others,   rather than just having one person (or a few people)
> post to it.
> Of course that would be in addition to the @ messages that go to the server.

That's a good idea actually.

> Wait, I think I just explained the planet ubuntu, but in a microblog form :)


> Searching around, there is an API for both services, and identi.ca is
> modeling their API in similar fashion to make things easier[1].
> Depending on the choice of the web site and back end, it might be fairly
> straight forward to write a php+mysql or any other front end + back end app
> that scraped the two services + any additional identi.ca servers a certain
> number of times (say twice a day or more depending on the content produced
> from the scrapes) to build a nice page.

All of this is already done, as there are about 438027530240284375032
different plugins for a variety of CMS' and languages.

> Here's what looks to be one example of what it could look like[2].

Yes, this is an idea as well I would like to incorporate, though much
smaller of course, possibly in a small box like widget.

> And there is a write up of how to build one on top of django + jQuery [3].
> I don't know if that uses twitter dependent API calls, but it looks more
> advanced than what I forsee, so maybe it could be slimmed down.
> This, I guess, is more of a topic of conversation once the basic framework
> of the site is decided.  If your sticking with static HTML+CSS, I could
> conceive a bash script to do the data mining and write it to a text file to
> be served in a pretty box :)

We have decided to go with WordPress for multiple reasons. Community, eyes
on the code, much more lightweight than something like Drupal. Seeing as we
are going to have a bit of static content, except for the news and events
page, WordPress is probably best at doing something like this. Plus it has
more SEO from the start than any other CMS out there. Plus, I just like
doing WordPress development more so than I do Drupal. Though my plan was
Zope/Plone, but people literally threw up when I said that. I prefer Python
over PHP, but that's just me :)  Plus with WordPress, the plugins are
plenty, easier to keep updated, and so on and so forth.

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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