[Ubuntu Chicago] Chicago Loco IRC Meetings
nixternal at ubuntu.com
Tue Jan 5 02:11:04 GMT 2010
On Mon, Jan 04, 2010 at 04:49:37PM -0600, Steve Woodruff wrote:
> I hope everybody had a wonderful holiday season, and a happy new year! Thus
> far it seems there has been no opposition to the idea of holding IRC
> meetings, so that's good. Now I think we should iron out how we want to
> focus our meetings.
> Corey brought up an excellent idea for the meetings to be more of an 'event'
> than just a general team meeting, where we would have speakers,
> presentations, and work on certain projects during this meeting time (be it
> working on docs, bugs, etc.). I think this would be a really great way for
> the team to stay active, and always giving back to the Ubuntu community, but
> as he also mentioned, I don't think this would necessarily call for a
> monthly scheduling.
That is actually a good idea, kind of like our own Open Week/Developer
Week/User Week/or whatever the hell they will call the next online event :)
> What I would propose it to have monthly meetings where they would be an
> informal team get-together, where we can bring up issues such as Linux/FOSS
> events in the area, discuss scheduling/locations for future events, and
> otherwise cover topics related to the Loco. So again, these would be more
> 'team administrative' rather than an active event. On top of these short
> monthly meetings, I would propose that we hold 'event days' like Corey has
> suggested. Again, these IRC events wouldn't necessarily have to be a
> monthly occurrence, but we would schedule them fairly frequently so we can
> keep the Chicago Team active in the Ubuntu community. These IRC 'event days'
> could be similar to our jams and parties that we now have in real life where
> we focus on getting work done. I feel these would probably benefit everyone,
> as there would be no issue of travelling to/from the City/suburbs, and
> finding a location that would best suit most of the team.
Informal is good I think to start out, and if we feel we have progressed to
the point of having formal meetings, then we can address it then. Just
shooting the OSS/Linux/Ubuntu breeze will allow us all to:
* Meet and great
* Get to know each other better
* Brainstorm (this is always a good one)
Who knows, while we are shooting the breeze, maybe someone will come up
with the next great idea :)
> Let us know what you guys think! How do you all think we should organize our
> meetings? What would you be in favor of? None of this is set in stone, and
> we're all open to ideas and input, so please feel free to share your
> opinions! This is your Loco after all, without your input it doesn't work :)
I am +1 on informal for the time being. We can pick a day and time to meet
up on IRC and just shoot the breeze. Maybe we could have a list of topics
we can cover. Every now and then maybe throw in a "Chicago Open Week" or
such. We will definitely have to keep it family friendly, as it would be
nice to make the logs available publicly for those who couldn't attend.
Name| Richard JOHNSON
Title| Developer
WWW| http://www.ubuntu.com
Email| nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG| 3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96 7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738
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