[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Chicago Global Jam

Nathan Handler nhandler at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 11 15:48:29 BST 2010

Hello everyone,

We will be holding our Global Jam [1] on Sunday, August 29, from noon
until 5pm. It will take place at the Barnes and Noble (in the cafe) at
728 North Waukegan Road in Deerfield [2]. There is a Metra Station [3]
right across the street (easily walkable), and it is also easily
accessible from the highway (with plenty of free parking). Full
details about the event along with an RSVP list are available on the
LoCo Directory [4]. I will bring a power strip and a few Ubuntu CDs
(along with some blank CDs and ISOs to burn more). I hope to see
everyone there.

Nathan Handler

[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam
[2] http://store-locator.barnesandnoble.com/store/2020
[3] http://metrarail.com/metra/en/home/maps_schedules/metra_system_map/md-n/station.DEERFIELD.html
[4] http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/263/detail/

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