[Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Global Jam details confirmed

Corey Gallon corey at coreygallon.com
Tue Sep 29 11:40:22 BST 2009


An update on the room we will be in on Sunday.  The library has reserved us the Rasmussen South room.  I'm not quite sure where this room is located in the building, but at least this way everyone will have the name of the room should directions be needed upon arrival.  (I imagine that they'll have a sign or something to direct us.)

For those commuting via Metra, the trains run every two hours on Sunday so there are a couple of viable options departing from Union Station.  I suggest getting off the train at the Roselle station, as it's a bit closer to the library.  The Schaumburg station is also a viable option, although it is a bit further away.  There is a 10:30 am departure from Union Station that arrives at Roselle and Schaumburg at 11:17 am and 11:22 am, respectively.  The 12:30 pm departure arrives at Roselle at 1:17 pm.  The same train arrives at the Schaumburg station at 1:22 pm.  A link to the Metra Milwaukee District West schedule can be found here [1].

I can pick someone up from the train station, but I only have room for one, unfortunately, as I have a two-seater.  I know that Richard has also offered a lift, so please let us know in advance if you'll need to be picked-up from the train station.



[1] http://metrarail.com/content/metra/en/home/maps_schedules/metra_system_map/md-w/schedule/_jcr_content/pdfLink/file.res/MD-W%20Schedule.pdf

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-us-chicago-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com [mailto:ubuntu-us-chicago-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com] On Behalf Of Richard JOHNSON
Sent: Monday, September 28, 2009 11:53 PM
To: Ubuntu Chicago Local Community Team Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu Chicago] Ubuntu Global Jam details confirmed

If any of you decide to take metra out to the Schaumburg stop from the city, I have room to carry 4 of you, maybe 5 if you are the size of Eddie

I live 2 miles from that train station so I can give a ride if needed. Also if you plan on coming from the city and are driving, please post here to let others know so you can car pool.

Nathan/Jim, has this been added to the wiki already? I will fire off a blog post.

 Name|  Richard JOHNSON
Title|  Developer
  WWW|  http://www.ubuntu.com
Email|  nixternal at ubuntu.com
GnuPG|  3578 0981 A21D D662 2A96  7623 F4C1 838C D8C4 4738

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