[Ubuntu Chicago] Global Bug Jam - Major Problems

Kevin Harriss special.kevin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 5 18:45:00 GMT 2009

On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 12:23, Evan Farrar <evanfarrar at gmail.com> wrote:
>> So it is February 20th-22nd huh? I would like to tenatively,
>> unofficially offer Centro's sponsorship of the event (I can confirm it
>> officially following our staff meeting tomorrow).
>> We've got a large conference room, a kitchen, plenty of Cola and Beer
>> and lots of floor space. We could probably host 20-30 people
>> comfortably, but we can't watch over more people than that because
>> only two Centro people would attend (myself and Alex Rakoczy).
> Evan that rocks so bad.  I hope you're able to get access to the space
> approved.  I know Centro has helped out with various local conferences and
> events before - that is cool of them.

I really hope that Centro's office can work out because they have a
great venue and are great supporters of the open source community.

> Maybe we could even hook up one of your Open Sprints setups and have a
> bugjam bike race??  :)  Ok, I won't get greedy.
> Richard, don't feel like you're wasting keystrokes.  I'm not sure who you
> were expecting to hear from, but the thing is over a month away.  We did get
> a large amount of good responses at the ChicagGLUG meeting from people who
> aren't even Ubuntu-Chicago members, and who may not even run Ubuntu on their
> PCs.  The SCALE conflict is a bit of a concern if it will draw other Chicago
> peeps away from here, though.  Are you thinking of Django or Banshee people
> might be gone?

I don't think it should be viewed as a waste of keystrokes.  I hope
there is still some interest from people and I will still help get
people to show up even if I won't be there.  As far as I know the
SCALE conflict only impacts myself and maybe Rich.  Cezar will be
around but not all weekend as an upstream contact for Django.  I will
talk to Gabriel about Banshee and see if he is available.

> You being at SCALE, though . . .  that might be a problem, right?  :/
> Remember - SCALE lasts a weekend, Bugjam victory is forever.

I plan to work on some bug jam stuff in the evenings and during
conference downtime.  I think SCALE is even planning some event to
coordinate with the Ubuntu Global Bug Jam.

> If we keep hacking away at preparations for this, we can figure it out &
> make it work.

I agree if we can get everything organized and setup before hand we
should still be in good shape.

> Jim
> --
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