[Ubuntu Chicago] Discussion about Windows

Chad Sutton csutton at chadarius.com
Fri Apr 10 19:33:51 BST 2009

Sadly I installed Vista Ultimate this week on a new desktop that I built
(Don't worry! Ibex is on there too!). There are still some media apps that I
use that will only work in Windows for some live Internet broadcasting that
I do for my Dungeons and Dragons group (http://lordsoftyr.com). I also play
an occasional game that won't work in WINE (I hate that!, but not everything
can be WOW or City of Heroes). But the real reason that I decided to go with
Vista instead of XP is that I have an AMD Quad processor in there. XP won't
do squat with 4 cores.

Ibex is so much better and easier to use than Vista. I just bang my head
into the wall everytime I have to reboot because of some driver install or
worse, their stupid updates. Install Vista this week just reminded me all
over again that Windows just plain sucks. Sadly there is no reason why they
couldn't make improvements to those things. Oh, except for greed and power.
Let's see. greed and power? That hasn't worked out too well for us lately.
Thank God for Ubuntu!

On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at ubuntu.com>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Yes, it's kind of my fault for starting it with the reference to Windows in
> Grub, but I'm starting a new thread for the Windows discussion.
> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:23 PM, George Lesica <glesica at gmail.com> wrote:
>> But lawyers are a cautious bunch. Part of the problem is that most
>> users wouldn't uninstall the MS programs even if it was possible. Just
>> like many users choose IE because it's just right there. Therefore, MS
>> would be gaining market share in other markets (anti-virus, word
>> processing, etc.) through use of the marketing power it gets from its
>> OS. That could still be construed to be an anti-trust violation
>> because it could be seen as an attempt at a vertical monopoly.
>> Also, other apps ARE bundled with windows by PC manufacturers. When
>> you buy a copy of windows at retail you are getting just that:
>> windows.
>> What would be interesting is if MS would allow 3rd parties to create
>> windows "distros" where other (legally licensed of course) software is
>> bundled with windows to create a custom windows install consumers
>> could buy at retail.
>> Of course that would just add to the confusion my mother feels when
>> she sees 14 versions of Vista on the shelves. And since MS tries to be
>> all things to all people they have to try to keep my mother happy by
>> reducing the choices available so she doesn't get confused.
>> ~ George T. Lesica
>> glesica at gmail.com
>> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Michael McCune <mjmccune at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > Microsoft would only bundle their programs with Windows and would not
>> > allow the PC manufacturer or end user to remove the bundled
>> > applications. If MS would allow other apps to be bundled with Windows
>> > and allowed bundled Windows apps to be removed, it would not have been a
>> > problem.
>> >
>> > George Lesica wrote:
>> >> On the other hand, part of the reason MS doesn't bundle more software
>> >> is that the government used that type of software bundling against
>> >> them in the anti-trust case. Even bundling IE is highly controversial
>> >> and the EU is considering making them totally strip it out.
>> >>
>> >> ~ George T. Lesica
>> >> glesica at gmail.com
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Michael McCune <mjmccune at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> That's the way Windows has always been. It didn't even have a browser
>> >>> until Windows 98.
>> >>>
>> >>> Randall Wilson wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> Oops. If it's any consolation, it's Windows 7 beta and, although very
>> >>>> smooth and nearly as pretty as Jaunty, is totally useless to me
>> except
>> >>>> for maybe testing things with IE 8. Did you guys know that a fresh
>> >>>> Windows install comes with nothing? I don't have time to sit around
>> all
>> >>>> day and download programs from random sites just to make my computer
>> work!
>> >>>> :)
>> >>>> -Randy
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Jim Campbell wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>>
>> >>>>> Hi all,
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Most of Randy's menu.list looked fine, but I would like to point out
>> >>>>> what is surely a major error in the file, though:
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> # This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a
>> >>>>> non-linux OS
>> >>>>> # on /dev/sda3
>> >>>>> title           Windows Vista/Longhorn (loader)
>> >>>>> rootnoverify    (hd0,2)
>> >>>>> savedefault
>> >>>>> makeactive
>> >>>>> chainloader     +1
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Surely this entry should be removed from the system, as it may
>> provide
>> >>>>> a backdoor for trojans and viruses of all kinds.  :-)
>> >>>>>
>> >>>>> Jim
> --
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