[Ubuntu Chicago] Introduce Yourself

Kevin Harriss special.kevin at gmail.com
Thu Oct 23 18:53:34 BST 2008

My name is Kevin Harriss, but most people know me as specialKevin.  I
am 23 years old and I live in Bridgeport, White Sox Represent.  I work
downtown for the Institute of Design (http://id.iit.edu), which is the
design grad school for IIT.  I am the IT Administrator and both the
school and myself embrace the open source community.  We have hosted
meetings for the Chicago LUG, Ubuntu Chicago and LUNI in the past.  As
the IT Administrator I am responsible for maintain our servers and
desktop along with all other equipment to make the IT infrastructure
function.  We currently use Ubuntu server and Solaris on our server,
but unforntunally we are a design school so all the desktops are
Windows or Macs.

I am not an Ubuntu Member, however I have been using Ubuntu on the job
for over a year and used it off and on on my personal computer before
I got hired.  Most of my experience with Ubuntu is focused on the
server environment.  I have been using linux since 2003 when I when to
college.  I started off with gentoo then moved to Ubuntu and now I am
using Foresight.  I am Foresight developer and the Marketing Team
Leader for Foresight.  These duties include me going to various open
source conferences and working the Foresight booth or giving a talk.
If you have attending an open source conference (Flourish, SCALE, Ohio
LinuxFest, BARcamp, LinuxWorld) you might have seen/met me before if
not I look forward to meeting you at Ubuntu Chicago meetings.  Other
than Foresight work I am very active in the technology community, I
run the Chicago GNU/Linux User Group (ChiGLUG) and the Chicago GNOME
User Group.  I am also an organizer for BARcamp Chicago.

If you would like to contact me you can email me at the following:

special.kevin at gmail.com
specialkevin at foresightlinux.org

If you would prefer to call me, I can be reached at 618.604.3236.
However, just like Rich if you are not in my address book I might
screen your call so leave a message or send me a text message
introducing yourself.

Kevin Harriss

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 9:49 AM, Richard Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:
> Seeing as a lot of new members have been joining this list and watching
> silently from the sidelines, I thought it would be nice to have everyone
> introduce yourself and let us know who you are and what you would like
> to see with the LoCo team here in Chicago.
> My name is Rich Johnson, 34 years old, live in the burbs and work in the
> city for an open source storage solution called Cleversafe
> (http://www.cleversafe.com and http://www.cleversafe.org for our open
> source web site). At Cleversafe I am the 'Linux Packaging and
> Development Engineer' which means I develop and maintain our custom
> Linux distribution for our appliances. Unfortunately it is CentOS based
> but I am hoping that one day it is Ubuntu based.
> I have been a member of the Ubuntu community for almost 4 years now. I
> am a MOTU (Master Of The Universe), a Core Developers, and a member of
> the Kubuntu, MOTU, and Community Councils. I am also the community
> manager for the Kubuntu project under Ubuntu. Besides working on the
> Ubuntu project I also am a core developer for the KDE project. One of my
> hobbies in open source and free software is documentation, so if you are
> reading system documentation for numerous Linux distros or desktop
> environments, you may have saw my name. I am also one of the authors for
> the Official Ubuntu Book (3rd. Ed.) and working on a couple of other
> publishings as well that deal with the Linux world. You might also
> catching me working on Debian KDE as well since I am one of the
> contributing members for the Debian KDE team (though I haven't done all
> that much of late due to personal life).
> OK, that's enough about me, I don't want to bore you with more, so let
> us know who you are now :)
> If you would like to email me, you can email me at any of the following
> addresses:
>        * nixternal at ubuntu.com
>        * nixternal at kubuntu.org
>        # rjohnson at kde.org
> If you would like to contact me by phone, my number is +1 630 445 3860.
> If I don't know your number off hand or you aren't in my address book, I
> may screen your call, so please leave a message if you do call. Thanks!
> --
> Rich Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG: 2E2C0124
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago

- specialKevin
- Kevin Harriss
- http://www.specialkevin.com

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