[Ubuntu Chicago] Printer Maintenance

W. Scott Lockwood III scott at guppylog.com
Mon Oct 20 19:16:02 BST 2008

I was at one point employed primarily as a printer repair tech full
time. The prices you're quoting are reasonable. Printers are cheap -
your best bet really is to just replace them most of the time. If I knew
what model and manufacturer I could provide a better answer, or at least
a more definitive one (Oh yeah, replace, or no, that one you can fix).

Also, printer repair is very, very easy. If you have a bunch of the same
printers, get the maintenance manual, and just buy the parts. It's
really not hard.

On Mon, 2008-10-20 at 12:47 -0500, Kevin Harriss wrote:
> Hey all,
> I know some of us on these list work for companies both large and
> small and at my current job we are currently looking for printer
> maintenance.  I was wondering if anybody had suggestions for companys
> that do a good job and are relatively cheap?  We don't have the demand
> to have a maintenance agreement so it would need be an on-demand
> contract.  The current prices we are seeing are for $150 an hour plus
> cost of parts.  This cost is more than the value of the printers so
> its out of our range.  I would greatly appreciate any suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> -- 
> - specialKevin
> - Kevin Harriss
> - http://www.specialkevin.com

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