[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: Flourish 2008
Eddie Martinez
eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Wed Mar 19 21:30:31 GMT 2008
yes, we will have a table on Saturday I premuse. I will be there both days.
the IRC meeting this thursday night is to discuss our plans for Flourish.
On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 4:19 PM, Chad Sutton <chadarius at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey! I'll be there on both days. Even if its just to hang out. Jim are we
> going to have an Ubuntu table at all this year? I'm happy to be there with
> some laptops to demo stuff.
> Jim Campbell wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please see the message below (you may need to click "Show Hidden Text" if
> you are a gmail user). Are any of you planning on attending the Friday
> sessions? Samir, it's unclear at this time what time events will actually
> be starting. That may be TBD at this point, but it sounds like the sessions
> will be taking place during the day on Friday, and during the day on
> Saturday. Will that be the case? A schedule page (even if it is tentative
> or not fully fleshed out) would be helpful. Thanks!!
> Jim
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Samir Faci <sfaci at cs.uic.edu>
> Date: Mar 18, 2008 1:56 PM
> Subject: Flourish 2008
> To: flourish2008 at flourishconf.com
> *** You are getting this email because you registered to attend the
> Flourish conference last year, if you'd rather not receive any future
> emails please contact sponsors at flourishconf.com and ask to be
> unsubscribed ***
> To everyone interested,
> The University of Illinois at Chicago Linux Users Group (UIC-LUG) and the
> University of Illinois at Chicago Association for Computing
> Machinery (UIC-ACM) are hosting their second annual Flourish Conference
> promoting the adoption and use of Free, Libre and Open Source Software
> (FLOSS). The UIC-LUG and UIC-ACM would like to invite you to attend this
> glorious event. The entire conference is free
> with registration (or $5 at the door), but please do register if you plant
> to
> attend please lets us know how many people we should expect.
> http://www.flourishconf.com/register.php.
> Some of our featured speakers will include: Bruce Perens from Source
> Labs, Jon "maddog" Hall from Linux International, Brian Fitzpatrick (and Ben
> Collins-Sussman) from Google, Dru Lavigne from Open Source Business Resource
> and BSD Certification Group Inc., among many others.
> We will be hosting a variety of events which include but are not limited
> to: BarCamp Mini, Flourish Mini-expo, WAFD (Web Application Framework
> Development) Rumble, Networking Events, and Hack-a-Thon, BSDA Examination.
> For more information please visit:
> http://www.flourishconf.com/flourish2008/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=13&Itemid=30
> Flourish 2008 will be held on Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th.
> We expect the conference attendance to be between 300 and 400 people. Please
> reply and let me know whether or not you will be attending Flourish 2008. If
> you have any questions about Flourish, please e-mail me at
> samir at esamir.com and I will get back to you as soon as possible. You can
> also visit the Flourish website at http://www.flourishconf.com/
> Organizations/Developers: We still have open tables in the expo space, if
> you'd like to use one of the tables to advertise your said organization or
> promote an event. We are also still looking for developers to represent the
> various Web frameworks. If anyone is interested in participating, please
> feel free to contact me.
> Thank you,
> Samir Faci
> Flourish Public Relations
> --
> Later,
> Chad Suttoncsutton at chadarius.comhttp://chadarius.comhttp://stephandchadsutton.com
> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
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This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
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