[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting proposal
Kevin Harriss
special.kevin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 30 22:53:08 GMT 2008
I could probably get us a room at the Institute of Design. The only
issue is that I wouldn't be able to get us a phone line. We would
have to use a cell phone or a computer with a voip setup.
On Jan 30, 2008, at 4:38 PM, Patrick Green wrote:
> The only place I have booking access to is CLC. I can make any
> date happen there. However, if someone has access to another
> location, I am open. :)
> On Jan 30, 2008 4:36 PM, Kevin Harriss <special.kevin at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Where were you planning to hold this meeting? I might be able to
> attend depending on its location and time. February 23rd would work
> best for me, I wouldn't be able to do February 16th unless we met at
> Institute of Design before the Chicago LUG meeting on that day.
> On Jan 30, 2008, at 4:08 PM, Patrick Green wrote:
> > I am proposing a meeting. The meeting can be done in a combo of
> > methods. People who can physically attend may do so and then we
> > can teleconference in the other people . I can get access to one
> > of those fancy uber cool conference speaker phones. People who
> > cannot attend the meeting physically may feel free to dial in.
> >
> > The goal would be to discuss the below ideas that have been
> > proposed in the past week. All are good ideas. We discuss the
> > pros and cons and the realistic expectations of them.We use how
> > they fit in to the Ubuntu philosophy as our benchmark and move from
> > there to the bricks and mortar.
> >
> > Once we have the ideas fleshed out, we then find volunteers willing
> > to be the project lead(s) for the proposals and then we take the
> > proposals to the Chicago Ubuntu LoCo community to put to a vote.
> > (we can discuss how to vote at the meeting).
> >
> > We need to have this meeting set with enough lead time that those
> > who want to attend have ample time to attend. I am thinking either
> > Feb 16 or Feb 23 would be good dates. We give it a finite time of
> > say....3 hours and stick with the time. If we have to table some
> > of the items for another meeting...fine. But if we stay focused
> > and are willing to compromise, we can get this done in three
> > hours. Many people brought up some good points about the desktop
> > training and I am compiling those into a list of concerns we can
> > discuss. From there, spend the next week or two looking at the
> > list below and contemplating the ideas. If you have another new
> > idea...add it to the mix, but save concerns about the ideas
> > proposed for the meeting. If you cannot attend the meeting either
> > in person or remotely, find another person in the group who shares
> > your concerns and ask them to be your "proxy" to ensure that all
> > concerns or suggestions get voiced so that we...as a
> > community...can make these things happen and make a dent.
> >
> > Once we have our commitment to projects...we should share them to
> > all the Loco groups so they can get the revolution underway. :)
> >
> > 1) The Ubuntu Desktop Classroom.
> >
> > 2) The Ubuntu Classroom Except for Servers:
> >
> > This project would be the same idea of the Ubuntu Classroom but
> focus
> > more on setting up basic servers.
> > - Teach How-to Setup LAMP
> > - Drupal
> > - Wordpress
> > - Basic Security
> >
> > 3) Work with Free Geek Chicago
> >
> > Free Geek Chicago accepts donations of used computers and then
> > installs Xubuntu on them to give to people. For someone to
> receive a
> > computer they volunteer for 20 hours, which usually teaches them
> some
> > basic concepts of computers. Working with them could be good for
> both
> > parties, Free Geek would get some more volunteers with linux
> > experience and the LOCO would get more exposure in the city.
> >
> > 4) Hold Installfests
> >
> > This will help bring Ubuntu to new users. Some people are
> fearful to
> > install linux themselves as they still think it is somewhat magical.
> > An installfest give those people a safe environment to install linux
> > with the help of seasoned linux veterans.
> >
> > 5) Advocate Ubuntu to Local Government
> >
> > Write letters to local politicians about the benefits of using
> Ubuntu
> > and adhering to open document standards. Even just offer yourselves
> > as potential contacts if they need some information on the topic.
> >
> > These are just some project ideas I have had in my head for
> awhile. I
> > wish you all the best of luck with all future projects and hope I
> can
> > help out whenever possible.
> > --
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
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