[Ubuntu Chicago] quiet around here

Chad Sutton csutton at chadarius.com
Sun Jan 27 20:23:36 GMT 2008

Also, I've got a ton of experience teaching and creating course
materials for large organizations and I'm a good editor. I'm willing
to help out with just about anything.

The one thing that I think we need to think about as we develop or
reuse materials is how we can make the course as easy as possible to
teach. We should be thinking about "training the trainers". Everyone
that comes to a class should be a potential teacher down the line.

Watch it, do it, teach it. Its the best way to really learn something.
If we paired up experienced people with less experienced or more
unsure teachers than I'm sure we would get good participation in
getting new instructors. The more instructors we make the more
evangelists we make for Ubuntu and its ideals.

On Jan 27, 2008 2:18 PM, Chad Sutton <csutton at chadarius.com> wrote:
> I really like the idea offering free classes, as long as someone is
> willing to put in the time on the community. People that are willing
> to help with future classes, work on course materials, or help with
> marketing, etc... should not have to pay for anything (other than the
> cost of materials).
> Not everyone wants to participate in the community (they are
> interested in the free as in beer part), which is totally fine. But
> those people should have to pay for the class.
> This is a great way to build up a great local community. People with
> either work or pay for the benefits. We gain either way and keep the
> classses accessible to anyone with the will to make a difference.
> On Jan 27, 2008 2:23 AM, Patrick Green <patlgreen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > For the moment, let's stick with skill sets and brainstorming first.
> >
> > Kevin has some kick butt ideas too.
> >
> > That said,Eddie has some really good questions about the class proposal I
> > make.  As does RJ.
> >
> > (side note-even ubuntu/canonical charges for support, that does not violate
> > the spirit.  Every class, however, would incorporate people who get to the
> > class for free. I would not be the only teacher....I do not desire having
> > another heart attack.  That is all I say about my idea until we get to phase
> > two of this mess I am starting. ;)
> >
> > We are in phase one now.  Sharing talents and interest and brainstorming
> > keen ideas.
> >
> > Phase two will be assembling a meeting to discuss project viability on
> > ideas.  For those that cannot make the meeting, we will conference them in
> > on either audio or video depending on their capabilities at home.
> >
> > Phase three will be execution of projects and communicating this data to
> > canonical and the other LoCo groups so we all become better.
> >
> > Now, I am off to bed.  :)
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> > Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> >
> >
> --
> Later,
> Chad


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