[Ubuntu Chicago] disable stick keys in windows (and -50 street cred points)

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 16:40:05 GMT 2008

Jason: That's basically the same thing I had, then I did something and now
the keyboard is all screwy. I don't think that rebooting will do anythimg,
as that would be a major pita to reconfigure everytime the user logged in.

btw, what Wally mentioned about the toggle keys is the noise that you are
hearing Jason. I'm going to try and check for the standard windows XP key
inputs and make sure they match the keyboard input on the other computer.

Jim, i haven't tried logging into windows (two accounts, one has a password
the other doesn't). I was working mostly about the password protected
account, gave up after I realized I was getting the same errors on the non
password account. i dont think this should matter because afaik, the windows
login keyphrases aren't case sensitive. I have been known to be wrong

thanks everyone.


On Jan 18, 2008 9:36 AM, Jason Crow <cjac76 at comcast.net> wrote:

>   Someone in the office next door is having a similar problem. She has to
> press and hold each key for like 5 seconds  for it to register. There is a
> weird beeping that goes with this too.
> On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 09:28 -0600, Jim Campbell wrote:
> to clarify, you can't even log in to windows anymore?  the sticky keys are
> messing up your passwords?
>  On 1/17/08, *Eddie Martinez* <eddiemartinez at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all, I know this a stupid question, but I *cannot* seem to get the
> Windows XP sticky keys to play nice for my cousin, and I need some expert
> advice. Here's the rundown:
> I go over and notice that every time I type, the letter doesn't work. I'm
> in firefox, and I hit 'd' and the bookmarks menu pops up. Look down and
> notice I'm not holding ctrl so I figured sticky keys is enable. I disabled
> sticky keys, type away etc. I move onto another ipod related issue when my
> cousin leans over and holds the shift button by accident. Sticky keys go.
> I go to the sticky key settings, and mess around with the options, trying
> to disable it forever. I believe there is a sticky keys option, toggle keys,
> and one more that I can't remember. Point is, that through some of skill,
> trickery, and alcohol (jk on the last one), I managed to lock myself out of
> windows. every attempt to type results in soem sticky induced
> ctrl+letter+shift+windows=no text input madness.
> Here's the issue I'm having however. This *should* be handled on the user
> level correct? Not on the whole system? How is it possible then, that all
> the other user accounts are giving me the same issue, given that I checked
> and i'm not holding ctrl down?
> anyways, im very frustrated and can't figure out why windows hates me.
> thanks!
> -eddie m.
> ps. please dont joke about installing linux or that it's defective by
> design, my family would be using linux if I could convince them, and
> reinstalling windows is not something I want to do over a CTRL issue. thanks
> again.
> --
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