[Ubuntu Chicago] laptop search?

George Lesica glesica at gmail.com
Fri Jan 11 23:42:53 GMT 2008

yeah, i was at microcenter a couple weeks ago and they probably had at
least 6 or 7 lappys in that price range, varying brands, and some of
them weren't even on sale at the time.

if you want to go refurb you can get a decent dell from geeks.com,
i've seen machines that had basically your specs for as low as 300. of
course with refurb lappys you never know how long the battery will


On Jan 11, 2008 4:51 PM, William Scott Lockwood III <scott at guppylog.com> wrote:
> Tigerdirect.com and Microcenter both have laptops in your price range
> for less than $500. At TD, for slightly over $500, you can get 2 gigs of
> ram and a DVD-R.
> On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 16:29 -0600, Eddie Martinez wrote:
> > Hey all, i'm in the market for a new(er) laptop than the one I have
> > now, an Invibile Model Fake 3500. Basically, I'm searching to get a
> > laptop in the 500 hunded dollar range or so. I mostly need it for web
> > stuff, with some software development purposes. My most critical
> > demands for a computer is that it be Gnu/Linux friendly, something
> > about 1.6 clock speed, and a gig or so of RAM. Aside from that, I am
> > open to any brand name. etc.
> >
> > I've considered System76, Thinkpad, Dell, etc. I am not impressed at
> > the moment simply because I don't want a brand new, super expensive
> > computer. Something that justworks (tm) is my aim. I am also open to
> > used/refurbished latops.If anyone wants to suggest or point me to a
> > good lappy, i would appreciate it.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > --
> > Encryption Key (GPG PID): 19983D83
> > This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
> > <Please exit in an orderly fashion>
> --
> W. Scott Lockwood III           CashNetUSA
> System Administrator            200 W. Jackson Blvd #2400
> scott at cashnetusa.com            Chicago, Il 60606
> (312) 586 4224 or xHELP         http://cashnetusa.com/
> --
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~ George T. Lesica
glesica at gmail.com

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