[Ubuntu Chicago] Getting other Group Announcements to our List

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 20:25:39 GMT 2008

Hey all,

We are working to setup a system to notify all organizations of other
chicago open source organization's meetings.  For instance it would
notify people of UIC LUG, NWCLUG, WCLUG, etc meetings.  I was
wondering if people would be against this being sent to our announce
list.  Currently LUNI is going to handle this so an organization
would send a meeting announcement to LUNI announce and then after
moderation it would get dispersed to the other organizations.
If people feel that would be too much traffic for the announce list
then I will just sign it up for the discuss list.

Please give your input.  If I don't hear any feedback then I will go
a head and sign up the announce list.

-Eddie M..

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