[Ubuntu Chicago] Team Mission

Eddie Martinez eddiemartinez at gmail.com
Fri Oct 12 23:08:22 BST 2007

Our mission should include teaching the operating system/computers in
general. this is one of our the strongest points of chiglug that the
loco is missing. Of course they have a different mission plan, but I
still feel the point stands.

Examples: Doc mentoring, presentations/talks. more of our members
should be using the web-blag format. we should be ACTIVELY setting up
more Barcamps, more Flourishes, more ChiCons.

Obviously our school districts aren't going to be 100% receptive of
throwing Edubuntu or anything along those lines, but we at least talk
more about technical issues, in some capacity. This was the rationale
for trying to schedule meetings somewhat more regularly. As the third
oldest Loco, in the third biggest US city, we should be playing a more
prominent role in the community.

Flourish showed that the demand for our Loco's work was out there, and
I think we should strive for being a visible and viable force.

okay, now im going to get off my high house for a min. and be real.
You guys know that I am always willing to help out and work whenever I
can on some Ubuntu love. Let's get it going.

-Eddie Martinez

ps. Richard, you forgot to mention Chad and Manchicken as devs. They
both work hard for the 'buntu.

On 10/12/07, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at kubuntu.org> wrote:
> OK. My goal is this. I want to recreate, or better the team's mission. I kind
> of snapped at Josh last week and after talking with a few people, it seems he
> is somewhat right. I would like to create a solid mission for the team where
> we can utilize both as a team and as an individual.
> Here is what we do know about what our mission is:
>  * To provide LOCAL advocacy and support for Ubuntu (includes Kubuntu,
> Edubuntu, and Xubuntu)
> Here is what I want to know:
>  * What can we do to increase this?
>  * What else should we look at instead of LUGs and Install fests?
>  * Any other ideas?
> I know that 99% of us super active members are all developer oriented, and I
> know 3 of us are developers for Ubuntu (am I forgetting anyone? Freddy, Jim,
> and myself). It would be nice to attract new users more than it would
> developers. Developers aren't going to help the team as much as a new user
> who is raring to go. If you have ideas and what not, post them here. If you
> guys want to, discuss them on Sunday at Buffalo Wild Wings, or we can discuss
> it on Sunday, October 21, 2007 at CoD for the Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon)
> Release and Install Fest.
> Thanks everyone!
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at kubuntu.org
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
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This has been an Eddie Martinez production.
<Please exit in an orderly fashion>

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