[Ubuntu Chicago] Interest in Joining Ubuntu Chicago Team

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at kubuntu.org
Sun Oct 7 03:46:18 BST 2007

On Saturday 06 October 2007, Josh Siegel wrote:
| On 10/1/07, Mike TRIBE! <info at whosinyours.net> wrote:
| >   Any information you can provide would be appreciated.
| You are welcome to join but to be honest, other then social/install events,
| the "team" has not found a "mission" yet...

Umm, have you been to any of our meetings?  How about the LUG collaboration 
that we do? How about working closing with conferences such as Flourish and 
hopefully a future ChiCon?

Our mission is simple, advocate and support locally Ubuntu. 90% of us on this 
list meet quite a few times a year and do just that, and there are a select 
few that work really hard at this. The ML isn't our only mode of 
communications, we also have an IRC channel where a lot of us hang out and 
work out ideas. There are quite a few of us who are developers and actually 
get requested to come in an talk about Ubuntu, the community, development and 
more. Every other month we have been holding meetings. We do one in the city, 
usually in conjunction with the Chicago GLUG or with the UIC ACM/LUG, and we 
do one in the suburbs at the College of DuPage in collaboration with CoDLUG.

Considering this group has probably handed over anywhere between 2500 and 5000 
CDs in the past year and a half speaks highly of the effort with this team. 
Out of the 90 members on LP, there are only about 10 of us who have put in a 
lot of hard work on our free time.

So, this team has had a mission since day one, so saying we haven't found it 
is rather disappointing. If you have any better ideas than social/install 
events, in which have made us one of the more popular and requested groups in 
Chicago, we would love to hear it. We are open for anything that is of course 

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at kubuntu.org
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