[Ubuntu Chicago] Project Idea

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Wed May 30 06:03:52 BST 2007

Tonight while on IRC, RJ and myself were trying to come up with project ideas. 
One of our ideas was to revive an old project. So we went to trusty ol' 
Google and started searching. What we found is that it is difficult to find a 
list of projects in need of someone taking them over.

So, jokingly I stated we should create a project that does just that. We can 
research and list free and open source projects that are no longer being 
maintained. People can propose a project that is dead to us, and then we can 
research it and see if it is dead and open for us to take over. Once we can 
take it over, we can list it on our site with as much information as 
possible, in hopes that someone will come along and say "hey, that would be a 
cool project to work on."

It could be setup kind of like a Sourceforge, Freshmeat, Google Code or such, 
however we just host the past and make it easy for someone to take it over. 
We could possibly utilize some APIs from say Google Code, Sourceforge, or 
Freshmeat that when someone does decide to take it over, they can easily 
recreate a project page on one of those sites to host it.

Now, of course we would have to require some sort of checking in on the person 
or persons that would be interested in taking over the project. That way 
there we could somehow guarantee that project didn't get removed or 
transferred and not worked on.

There is a lot that could go into this and I feel there may be a little 
potential. If something like this were to take off everyone would have to 
quit their day jobs and work from home, just until Google bought us out, then 
we would never have to work again. :) OK, joking aside.

What does everyone think about such a project? If you like it, or you have 
worked on starting a project of such caliber we would love you input. I have 
tossed around a few names and so has RJ and Dan, jokingly, yet very witty.

Rich: Open Purgatory
RJ: Code Purgatory & Save My Code
Dan: Save My Software

Just to get an idea really. What does everyone think? Now this doesn't mean we 
won't do a coding project, because we are. I think this is a different type 
of project that we could have gone our ways with, but decided that maybe 
Chicago would like to get in on. Maybe even the Chicago GLUG guys as well 
since they are all coding geniuses :) Let us know. Thanks!

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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