[Ubuntu Chicago] <sarcasm>Nice Quote From IL</sarcasm>

Francisco cyan255 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 00:51:48 GMT 2007

Gosh, new fangled com-puters in government offices!! Whats next ? A 
governement run by robots on the moon? When will these science 
experiments end?

Oh well, we'll see what happens when the costs of hardware upgrades and 
software updates is published.

More from the MS report:

The State of *Illinois* decided to implement new desktop software as 
well as messaging standards. The effort began in 2005 with a careful 
examination of the products that made up its current environment. 
Members of the Department of Central Management Services evaluated 
systems from IBM, Novell, and Microsoft. “We decided against a system 
from IBM on the basis that it would not satisfy both our desktop 
application and messaging needs,” says Matthews.

Even though about half of all state users were on some version of Novell 
GroupWise for messaging, CMS did not pursue a Novell-based solution. “We 
felt as though Novell didn’t have a desktop productivity offering that 
was right for us and that its position in the marketplace wasn’t clearly 
defined,” says Matthews. “Novell was in the process of changing out its 
fundamental platforms to incorporate *Linux* technology.”

CMS did not want to pursue a *Linux*-based system because it considered 
an open source system too risky to implement, given the organizational 
transition. “It would have meant too much pain for us to move to an open 
source system at this time,” says Matthews. “In government, IT is all 
about consistency and reliability. So for us, stacking up mismatched 
parts doesn’t make good business sense in terms of usability.

“We needed a more well-defined, proven solution, so standardizing on 
Microsoft technology fit us best. Microsoft provided the most 
consistent, most reliable approach because of its strong market presence 
and the integration between desktop applications and messaging.”


It leaves me wondering
Just where is this "integration between desktop apps and messaging" in 
windows that makes it unique?!


Randy Wilson wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I saw this on a Slashdot post from an article in the WSJ:
> 'The State of Illinois recently consolidated its IT systems onto
> Microsoft software -- and has no interest in using Linux, says Paul
> Campbell, director of the state's Central Management Services
> department. "We don't have time for science projects in state
> government," he says.'"
> - -Randy
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