[Ubuntu Chicago] calender?

Chad Sutton csutton at chadarius.com
Mon Mar 12 16:06:48 GMT 2007

On 3/11/07, Rich Johnson <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> OK, I went with Chad's idea and setup the event calendar on
> http://chi.ubuntu-us.org. It was already there, I just brought it to the
> front page. So if you want to, you can go ahead and add an event to the
> calendar. To do so, log into the site. You want to create content, event. Set
> up the correct start and close date and time, preview it to make sure you
> like it, then submit it. Dates with events will show up with a bold date in
> the Calendar in the right sidebar.
> Chad, do you know if we can set up the calendar to automatically mail the list
> when someone commits a date? That might be a cool feature instead of
> constantly watching the site for dates.
> If you cannot commit a date to the list, let me know. There are member groups
> that you need to be added to in order to commit a date, and I am not going
> through the entire list setting everyone up right now, so if you need/want to
> commit a date and can't, let me know.
> --
> Rich Johnson
> nixternal at ubuntu.com
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
> Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
Here are a couple of modules that can do stuff like that.

I personally like RSVP the best. When someone sets up an event they
can send out a list of invites. It is easy to send them out to the
mailing list then.


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