[Ubuntu Chicago] RMS anyone?

Richard A. Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 26 23:07:40 BST 2007

On Thursday 26 July 2007, Jim Campbell wrote:
| Maybe he could make more money if he organized his speaking engagements
| like the Sammy Hagar / David Lee Roth tour a while back.  Let people in
| free, but then charge them $30 to leave early.  :-P

Dude, that was the gayest tour ever! DLR ruined the entire show! I am the 
biggest Hagar fan there is! Red Rock for life :)  If you don't believe, check 
out my DVD collection. I own a whopping 4 of them. 3 Sammy Hagar and the 
Waboritas and 1 Van Halen live DVD, plus I own, yes I paid for them, everyone 
of his albums.

Son of a bitch, I didn't know that is how I got them tickets for free. I 
thought the world of the guy giving them to me because I figured he paid for 
them. Damn him, he just lost all of my respect :)

Richard A. Johnson
nixternal at ubuntu.com
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