[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: ubuntu wireless

Wally Valters deepsky99 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 18:34:24 BST 2007

You are correct , Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of gnome.

You can install both KDE and Gnome by the way, if you have ubuntu installed
just do a :

sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

You will then have both Gnome and KDE.  logout and from the "session"
selection, choose KDE and login.

I prefer KDE, but it is not "better" than gnome, just different.  Try themn
both and see which you like better.  This will all start to make sense soon,
Ive only been using ubuntu for a few months and most of the operation /
differences from Windows are easilt figured out via the mailing lists and
ubuntu forums.  Once you understand where things live (like /etc for configs
etc), this will all be easy.

On 8/3/07, jason jenkins <jenkins27 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your replies everyone.  I have also been talking to Michael a
> bit and he is trying to help me out.  Wally, should I install Kubuntu
> instead?  I heard it was more like windows which i am very familiar with.  I
> just did a clean istall of both XP and ubuntu in a dual boot so it would not
> be much trouble to install kubuntu instead.  it is basicly the same thing
> but with the KDE GUI correct?  Also with the dual boot set up do I just pop
> in the kubuntu CD and install over the ubuntu partition?  or will I end up
> with issues with grub or something where my XP partition becomes corrupt or
> some such crap?
> On 8/3/07, Wally Valters <deepsky99 at gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Well not ralink cards, but I do use the dreaded Broadcom cards
> > (Shudder).  They exhibited the same issues as your card Jason, I could see
> > my WPA network, but could not connect.  I ended up having to use
> > ndiswrapper, whi9ch basically uses the windows drivers for my card inside
> > linux, then Knetworkmanager (I use KDE / Kubuntu as do all higher mammals)
> > to actually connect.
> >
> > Your best bet is to head to ubuntuforums, and search on something on
> > ralink.  That is where I found a how-to for my card, and Richard is right,
> > there are a ton of very knowledgeable people there who can answer all your
> > questions.  If you end up needing to do the ndiswrapper, shout back here and
> > I can help you with that if needed.
> >
> > On 8/3/07, Richard A. Johnson < nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> >
> > > Does anyone have some wifi experience with ralink cards? If someone
> > > could help
> > > Jason out or point him in the right direction, it would be greatly
> > > appreciated.
> > >
> > > Jason, if you don't hear back shortly from this list, you could also
> > > check out
> > > ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com as well as http://ubuntuforums.org.
> > > There are
> > > plenty of people chomping at the bit to help you there.
> > >
> > > Sorry I couldn't be of much help, but we are pushing close to
> > > deadlines and I
> > > am a little swamped right now.
> > >
> > > Thanks everyone!
> > >
> > > Hi, I am hoping you can help me out.  I found your email from the
> > > ubuntu
> > > local team list.  I am from Milwaukee so you are the closest to me.  I
> > > just
> > > installed feisty on my laptop and can't get my wireless working.  I
> > > know
> > > windows very well but don't know jack about linux but want to
> > > learn.  I just
> > > need to get this 1 step done and then I can actually use ubuntu and
> > > learn
> > > the rest on my own.  I looked online but can't find info that pertains
> > > to my
> > > specific situation although there are most likely tons of answers to
> > > my
> > > question out there.  I just don't understand it well enough to know if
> > > it is
> > > the answer to my problem.  I would really like some step by step help
> > > either
> > > over the phone or via email to just get connected to my wireless
> > > router and
> > > get on the internet so I can check the forums and howto's while I am
> > > on
> > > ubuntu.  I installed ubuntu and got all the updates and automatix and
> > > stuff.  I basically followed a howto from howtoforge.  So its all up
> > > to
> > > date, I also  did the sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant thing too but
> > > not
> > > sure if it worked or not.  My network has WPA encryption.  I have a
> > > ralink
> > > card i think and it looks like it is working or at least recognized by
> > >
> > > ubuntu.  I can see the networks that are in range but I cannot
> > > connect.  I
> > > do not have the option to use WPA, just WEP.  I chenged my network to
> > > WEP
> > > and I still could not connect.  If you have time or know someone who
> > > does I
> > > would REALLY appreciate the help just geting this started.  No
> > > wireless has
> > > been the 1 thing that has stopped me from using linux.
> > > If you have time t do this over the phone it might be easiest, just
> > > let me
> > > know when a good time to call would be and we could set something up.
> > > Otherwise hopefully over email will work as well.
> > >
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Richard A. Johnson
> > > nixternal at ubuntu.com
> > > GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> > >
> > > --
> > > Ubuntu-us-chicago mailing list
> > > Ubuntu-us-chicago at lists.ubuntu.com
> > > https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-chicago
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
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