[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: ubuntu wireless

Wally Valters deepsky99 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 3 12:49:56 BST 2007

Well not ralink cards, but I do use the dreaded Broadcom cards (Shudder).
They exhibited the same issues as your card Jason, I could see my WPA
network, but could not connect.  I ended up having to use ndiswrapper,
whi9ch basically uses the windows drivers for my card inside linux, then
Knetworkmanager (I use KDE / Kubuntu as do all higher mammals) to actually

Your best bet is to head to ubuntuforums, and search on something on
ralink.  That is where I found a how-to for my card, and Richard is right,
there are a ton of very knowledgeable people there who can answer all your
questions.  If you end up needing to do the ndiswrapper, shout back here and
I can help you with that if needed.

On 8/3/07, Richard A. Johnson <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Does anyone have some wifi experience with ralink cards? If someone could
> help
> Jason out or point him in the right direction, it would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Jason, if you don't hear back shortly from this list, you could also check
> out
> ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com as well as http://ubuntuforums.org. There
> are
> plenty of people chomping at the bit to help you there.
> Sorry I couldn't be of much help, but we are pushing close to deadlines
> and I
> am a little swamped right now.
> Thanks everyone!
> Hi, I am hoping you can help me out.  I found your email from the ubuntu
> local team list.  I am from Milwaukee so you are the closest to me.  I
> just
> installed feisty on my laptop and can't get my wireless working.  I know
> windows very well but don't know jack about linux but want to learn.  I
> just
> need to get this 1 step done and then I can actually use ubuntu and learn
> the rest on my own.  I looked online but can't find info that pertains to
> my
> specific situation although there are most likely tons of answers to my
> question out there.  I just don't understand it well enough to know if it
> is
> the answer to my problem.  I would really like some step by step help
> either
> over the phone or via email to just get connected to my wireless router
> and
> get on the internet so I can check the forums and howto's while I am on
> ubuntu.  I installed ubuntu and got all the updates and automatix and
> stuff.  I basically followed a howto from howtoforge.  So its all up to
> date, I also  did the sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant thing too but not
> sure if it worked or not.  My network has WPA encryption.  I have a ralink
> card i think and it looks like it is working or at least recognized by
> ubuntu.  I can see the networks that are in range but I cannot connect.  I
> do not have the option to use WPA, just WEP.  I chenged my network to WEP
> and I still could not connect.  If you have time or know someone who does
> I
> would REALLY appreciate the help just geting this started.  No wireless
> has
> been the 1 thing that has stopped me from using linux.
> If you have time t do this over the phone it might be easiest, just let me
> know when a good time to call would be and we could set something up.
> Otherwise hopefully over email will work as well.
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Richard A. Johnson
> nixternal at ubuntu.com
> GPG Key: 0x2E2C0124
> --
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