[Ubuntu Chicago] Starting Chicago Gnome User Group

Evan Farrar evanfarrar at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 03:39:31 BST 2007


I think this is a great idea. I don't actually use Gnome, but I have written
a couple of small GTK apps and once I get the time and energy to relearn C I
am going to fix a couple of librsvg/libcroco bugs that have been bothering
me. I am pretty overextended as far as extracurricular activities go though
and wouldn't really be able to make a lot of meetings. What I would suggest
is that you get a couple of people together once in a while to do planning
and administrivia, then try to procure gnome experts and send them out to
the various other user groups: ubuntu, CHIGLUG, ruby users group, chipy,
etc. And also co-sponsor one-off events with these groups: bugsquashathons
and release parties.

Good Luck,

On 4/22/07, Kevin Harriss <special.kevin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey All,
> I am contacting this group to inform you that I am attempting to start
> a Gnome User Group in Chicago.  If this works out it will be the first
> Gnome User Group in the US, however there are many such groups in
> other countries.  Some plans I have for the group would be to have
> meetings and give presentations on Gnome applications or distros using
> Gnome, have release parties for Gnome releases and have bug days where
> we get together either in person or online or both and try to squash
> as many bugs as we can in a day.  I don't mean to post this to start
> any flame war about the best desktop environment.  If any of this
> sounds interesting to you join us in #gnome-chi on irc.gnome.org and
> if we get enough support I plan to have a meeting in the near future.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> - specialKevin
> - Kevin Harriss
> - http://www.specialkevin.com
> --
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