[Ubuntu Chicago] Meeting this Saturday?

Jim Campbell jwcampbell at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 20:42:43 BST 2007

On 4/18/07, Max Luebbe <max.luebbe at gmail.com> wrote:
> James - what you're talking about is how I make my living.
> So many small business owners dont know that there are alternatives to the
> microsoft tax, and once you explain that there are, and do some demos - the
> consultancy job sells itself.


Also, I definately am someone who is much less interested in marketing than
> I am in technical issues. Anytime anyone wants to meet up in a coffee shop
> in the city to talk code, I'm there.
> -Max

Max, let's keep this in mind.  I think a good number of people would be
interested learning about these kind of topics.  It's great that you have
experience in this area, too.

If we're able to meet on Saturday, I think that getting a
presentation/discussion queue going (including topics such as this) would be
very helpful.

jwcampbell at gmail.com
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