[Ubuntu Chicago] Fwd: ALL TEAMS: Speaker Representatives

Chad Sutton chadarius at gmail.com
Tue Apr 10 21:39:34 BST 2007

Rich Johnson wrote:
> OK, give me at least 1 but not more than 3. Respond to this list, and I will 
> take the top 3 and add them to the wiki page. Bare in mind the talks will be 
> heavily developer orientated as well as community orientated. The community 
> portion is the easiest to talk about. From the developer standpoint, you 
> should have at least a basic understanding of how we do some coding in 
> Ubuntu, you should know packaging, forget about Launchpad don't talk about 
> it, unless absolutely necessary. I am not one to advocate proprietary stuff, 
> but you all know that already, so no need to try and force more glue from the 
> horse. Also, if you know the community side fairly well and not so much the 
> dev side, that is OK, as with a list of 3, it will be easy to switch out. I 
> would like to get at least 1 or 2 in the Chicago land area, and possibly one 
> from downstate a bit. With that said, in no specific order, here are my 
> suggestions:
> * Me of course :)
> * Michael D. Stemle Jr. (manchicken)
> * Freddy Martinez & Chad Sutton
> Now, just because we have these 3, or 4 in my case, because after hearing Chad 
> give a talk about Ubuntu at Flourish, he has what it takes and gave an 
> outstanding talk! He knew how to target and fill in the gaps which was great. 
> OK, just because of the 3 or 4 I listed doesn't mean everyone doesn't have 
> the chance to talk. You all have the chance to give a speech, but these 
> members will be initial point of contacts. When a talk is requested, we can 
> bring it to the list asking if anyone is interested. Sound fair to everyone? 
> I want everyone to be able to have the opportunity to stand up front for 
> Ubuntu Chicago! That means you too Matt (redDEAD) with you killer fohawk! ;p
Sounds cool. I'm game for anything. I've got tons of corporate 
technology experience that can come in handy too.

Chad Sutton
csutton at chadarius.com

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