Ubuntu-Chicago Meeting Planner

Carson Hicks master.of.the.kami at gmail.com
Tue Sep 12 20:00:03 BST 2006

That sounds like a good idea, I'm all for that!

On 9/12/06, Jason Czajkowski <jason.czajkowski at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't have a problem reserving the hotel conference room that I use for
> our Ubuntu needs. Its located in Des Plaines, about 3mins north of O'hare
> Airport on Lee Street. If there's enough intrest I think we can do it for
> $10 bucks a person with Lunch included. They don't have a restaraunt but I
> can take care of the catering too. Let me know what you guys think and throw
> out a couple of dates.
> Jason (Mr_H)
> On 9/11/06, Rich Johnson <nixternal at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> > Hey everyone!
> OK, I think it is about time we plan on getting together and working out
> some
> ideas, details, and plans.
> Right now, what day of the week would be best? I am trying to stay away
> from
> Monday through Friday due to work schedules and what not. And I would like
> to
> have more then 3 hours or so if possible. I was thinking a Saturday, or
> Sunday.
> What I was thinking was this maybe look into reserving a space, which is
> quiet, has power and internet access. A place that can cater a meal or
> provide a location to get food. Budget, needs to be whicked cheap, as I am
> on
> the Full-Time Student budget right now.
> Anyone have any experience setting up such a thing? Have any connections?
> I
> know Jason hosts his own LAN Parties, and it could be cool to even
> possibly
> meet during one of his events, for a couple of reasons. However, that is
> up
> to Jason however, as I don't want to impede on his setup.
> 1) We can dole out the cash to join the event which is set up - of course
> pending his approval
> 2) We can act as a sponsor even, and hand out CDs, stickers, and hopefully
> some damn shirts pretty soon
> 3) It allows us to recruit as well.
> 4) It allows us to demonstrate a machine or two, and especially have Mr_H
> hook
> us up with some Cedega and Linux gaming action.
> So lets look at setting up a date right now. We need to leave ourselves
> with
> enough time to schedule a location. Also, if anyone of your companies can
> host us in a board room that would be awesome as well. Location isn't as
> important, but something central and possibly close to the rails if
> possible.
> OK, so that is laid out, here are some of the things we need to look at:
> * Marketing
>     * Advertisement - Radio, TV (expensive), Newspaper (can be very cheap
> if
> not free)
>     * Local events where we could host a small display or even a demo
> system
>     * Billboards - I was thinking a Chicago style billboard would rock,
> nothing done up by someone who gets paid for it, seek a spray painting
> artist
> (graffiti artist), and have them do some work, legally of course. That
> would
> be cool to see an Ubuntu Chicago style billboard ;)
> * Documentation - also falls a little under marketing
>     * Flyers
>     * Presentations
>     * Tutorial to show a user how to run the Live CD
> * Shops
>     * How to ....  for the team, where we can each bring our knowledge and
> teach everybody something new
> * Hackfest
>     * Work this in with the Shops
> * Install Fest - Keep an eye out on your LUGs for this especially, but
> maybe
> we can advertise an install fest for say 4 hours, and have people bring in
> their machines to a locations
> We definitely need to work along side with some other organizations if
> possible. I know that John Quigley and the Chicago LUG want to collaborate
> on
> some stuff as well. CoD LUG is picking itself back up, and could use some
> attention just like Ubuntu Chicago. FREE GEEK wants us to help out as
> well,
> and that is an awesome setup they have going.
> We need ideas, we need to get working on getting this going. Lets make the
> second meeting come into a plan here. Everyone please pitch in!
> October or November?  That will give us some time, plus we might be able
> to
> work something in with the upcoming holiday season as well.
> --
> Richard Johnson <> nixternal at ubuntu.com
> ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com <>
> chi.ubuntu-us.com
> online everywhere as nixternal
> <><
> --
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