Ubuntu-Chicago Speak Up

John Quigley jquigley at chicagolug.org
Fri Sep 1 05:30:17 BST 2006

Rich, et. al.:

> Cool John, welcome to the group. 

Thank you, sir!  Sorry for not making my presence known earlier, I 
should have introduced myself when I subscribed.

> I just hooked up with the CoD LUG, just tonight actually since I am 
> taking some classes there and they are quite close. 

Tell them the Chicago LUG sends a hearty "hello!"

> Anywho, i know you are a  hacker, and we have a lot of guys that
 > want to learn, so a future hackfest might be in order ;)

I've been known to take a turn or two with code, and I'd particularly 
love to help in organizing a hack fest.  We could tackle some systems 
project specific in the Ubuntu domain, and divvy out jobs so that we 
could get everyone (even non-coders) involved.

The Chicago LUG just had a successful Hack-a-thon this summer where we 
designed and wrote a file system in a single day: it's lots of fun and a 
good bonding experience.

John Quigley

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