Ubuntu-Chicago Ubuntu Chicago Meeting

Rich Johnson nixternal at ubuntu.com
Fri Sep 1 03:52:22 BST 2006

On Thursday 31 August 2006 21:01, andrew at abassett.org wrote:
> I am interested in learning how to do packaging. I've gone to the MOTU
> schools, but it's tough for me to learn like that. Anyone have any
> experience in packaging? I'd like to eventually try and take over the
> openafs packages since they are not really maintained in Ubuntu.

Cool, have you checked out the packaging guide at https://help.ubuntu.com ?  
That is a great place to start, and it would be awesome to have you maintain 
the openafs packages. I have some experience packaging, and tend to lend a 
hand with Kubuntu packaging. I used to do Debian packaging many moons ago, so 
Ubuntu has been knocking the dust off there. I am sure at a meeting or what 
not, we could go over some packaging type stuff as well, that would be cool.

> Also, there are computer shows in Gurnee once a month at a hotel. It's
> generally hardware related, but I think it would be a good environment to
> hand out some cd's and demo Ubuntu.
> Although not directly related to Ubuntu, maybe we could do a mythtv
> installfest tied with the Ubuntu installfest for interested folks.

Hopefully you are good with MythTV, as I have no clue about it. Can you 
provide us with some linkage to the Gurnee show?  I know we contacted the guy 
who holds the Midwest Show that used to be at the DuPage fairgrounds, but 
they stopped the show recently. The Gurnee show would be perfect. We can 
purchase some space and demo Ubuntu, which I know a few of us have talked 
about in the past.

> I'll be out of town most of September and the week of October 16th for
> recruiting, but otherwise I'm pretty much free.

I am going to be pretty busy myself, however if everyone wants a meeting, I am 
sure I can make myself available, or we can shoot for a set October date 
where everyone can be open and do an entire day or something, where we could 
learn some packaging, some hacking, networking, admin type stuff.

> Thanks,
> Andrew Bassett
> andrew at abassett.org

Thanks Andrew for the response, I really appreciate the computer show info. 
Also, hang out in #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-motu-school whenever you can. The 
2 experts at packaging that I hang out with are crimsun and LaserJock.

Richard Johnson <> nixternal at ubuntu.com
ubuntu.com <> kubuntu.com <> edubuntu.com <> xubuntu.com <> chi.ubuntu-us.com
online everywhere as nixternal
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