Ubuntu-Chicago Greetings And Hello

Jake Ryker jakeryker2000 at yahoo.com
Sun Oct 8 00:52:02 BST 2006

Hello ALL,

My name is Eric Smith and I hope to see you all at the
upcoming meeting. I have been talking with Rich via
email and asked a question. As I understand it some of
the discussions will be about Gaming in Linux. Since I
am new to linux but not to gaming. I would make anyone
who wanted an offer. Since I was the last Marketing
Director @ Fasa Corp (Battletech, Mechwarrior,
MechCommander, VOR, Crucible, Shadowrun and so on. I
still have some old promo materials and if I scrounge
other materials as well. If anyone is interested
please let me know. 

I look forward to the meeting and thank you in advance
for the chance to learn more about linux.

Best Regards,

Eric Smith

(Owner uses windows ALERT may crash) - Bumper Sticker Sign

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