Ubuntu-Chicago Recruiting

Alan Augustson, MPP alan.augustson at ameritech.net
Mon Nov 13 04:28:32 GMT 2006

I might still have a few contacts left at U of C - let me double check.

Their IT guys are very Linux-literate, but can't support any packages that 
they themselves don't provide - you know what that means. So they might be 
open to alternatives.

Ditto for their CS department.

Hey - just a suggestion - if you're doing any demos on-campus, you may wanna 
have a copy of Compiz or Beryl running. The basic message being: "Vista? 
Pffft!  Who cares?"

Or if you can't get Compiz/Beryl configured to save your life (like me), maybe 
just a game of Sauerbraten.  LOL


Alan Augustson, MPP
4335 N Mozart St #1
Chicago, IL 60618-1632
h: 773-267-8507
m: 773-517-5572
e: alan.augustson at ameritech.net
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