Ubuntu-Chicago Recruitment

Freddy Martinez freddymartinez9 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 21:10:21 GMT 2006

How to increase our members? Firstly, I think we need to get outside of our
current venues. We get plugs on Ubuntu Planet, because as this does increase
our name in the Ubuntu developers community, it doesn't get to many what I
will call "casual Ubuntu users" who have it installed on their system and
just run it. How many Ubuntu users know about LoCos and where they are
located.  We need to make some bold move that would get major publication
(Chicago Sun Times or something similar.) Maybe even a letter to the editor
would get published or something. We live in a city with major computing in
downtown (IBM comes to mind) and we also have major computer stores in the
same area (Mac Store) but that is just an idea. What can we do to partner up
with IBM? I sat and discussed F/OSS with someone who worked at IBM for 18
years and all he could tell me is that he knew about Red Hat. I don't know
what his department was but we may want to consider reaching out to these

I listened to Jeffs Waugh's podcast on Community Building and he discusses
having leaders and what this means for OS projects. I am against having one
person leader. Instead, I propose a 7 person LoCo Council that will have
roles. One Representative (talks to Canonical, creates publishing et. al),
one Art director, one Marketing director, one Organizer (oversees day to
day)  and more positions when I they come to me. Oh yea one more, a
Secretary / Clerk that takes notes. Anyways, this LoCo council would be
elected twice a year and make decisions on the behalf of the LoCo however a
simple majority vote by the LoCo would over ride the council. This is a
rough idea but I think we will one day reach a point where we well need this
and I'd like to have it in place before we reach critical mass.

My proposed venue for the next event would be downtown Chicago (maybe have
the event in the city of the LoCo :P) for a meet and great / idea session. I
am looking toward a place like Portillo's by Hard Rock Cafe. I think the
date would be Saturday December 23rd, 30th or January 6th.
I like this location and dates, let me known

November 14th at 6 PM (Chicago Time) to hammer out these details at
#ubuntu-chicago on irc.freenode.net if anyone is interested, please tell the

RichJ I want CDs, a gang of them, around 50 edgy, 25-30 Dapper CDs. I'll PM
you on IRC with an address, I can't meet you but if you mail them to me,
I'll reimbhurst you.

Also, WHO WANTS TO HELP WITH FEISTY FAWN 7.04? Tell Rich J, Red_Herring and
I are trying to get involved in this release a lot more, it would be good to
get representation of the team in this release.

Talk to you all soon,

-Freddy Martinez-
Kubuntu. [GNU/]Linux for human beings.
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