Loco Team Map

Tom Haddon tom at greenleaftech.net
Thu Aug 16 16:34:52 UTC 2007

Hi Folks,

Just wanted to let everyone know that following a suggestion in the most
recent meeting, I'm working on developing a Google Map for the Loco
Team. You can see it (a work in progress) here:


If you want to get your information on there, just add the details
following the format you see on:


Basically the format is (mapdetails:IRCNick||address||other details

You can be as specific or general about your address as you like, so you
could put your full address, or you zip code, or just your city/town if
you like. The third "field" is optional - other details about yourself
you want to show in the info window (this can include HTML).

Once you've updated your details, you can go here to update the map with
your details:


I also wanted to let you know that I'm trying to develop it in a way
that would make it easy for other loco teams to adopt (each team would
get their own map). I've contacted someone that I know at the Colorado
Loco Team and they've said they're interested in trying it out.
Eventually I'd like to be able to offer it to all Loco Teams, so I'm
kind of considering this as a "beta-testing" period. If anyone has any
ideas for features or enhancements (either in display or how the data
gets into the map) please let me know. 

I'm in the process of trying to get the code to a point where I can
create a project for it on Launchpad and have the code mirrored there so
that anyone can contribute to actually improving the code itself. I'd
expect to be there in few weeks. In the meantime, comments and
suggestions welcome.

Cheers, Tom

Tom Haddon
mailto:tom at greenleaftech.net
m +1.415.871.4180

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