[ubuntu-uk] More phone problems/observations

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Thu Apr 9 17:42:38 UTC 2015

I am having trouble sending things by email, such as if I see a webpage 
I went to email to myself and then view on my PC. I try to select and 
copy the URL from the address bar, but although I can highlight the 
whole lot at once, there is no option to copy. If I select part of the 
URL, then the option to copy appears. So I can only copy it in bits.

Then if I use Dekko, it will not send emails at all. I can paste stuff 
into a new email, but when sending it gives an error -- I posted it as a 
bug online already.

If I try to use gmail to send an email, when I try to paste into the 
email, all I get is a blue box filling the area to enter text with the 
word Copy above it, thus giving me only the option to copy and not to paste.

If I want to share a URL from the web browser, the options are so 
limited as to be useless -- only by text message or Telegram, there is 
not even an option to share via Facebook (using the Facebook app 
installed) or by gmail (using the gmail app).

So what is the solution to this? How can I share a URL from my Ubuntu 
phone to send to my pc to view it on there later?

David King

On 08/04/15 18:28, Dan Chapman wrote:
> On 08/04/15 17:30, David King wrote:
>> I have noticed that the Dekko email client is quite unstable and 
>> keeps crashing -- surely the Ubuntu team should be developing this? 
>> We need a decent email client. One of the main reasons for having an 
>> Ubuntu phone is to get away from Google, yet the only email client 
>> that is installed by default is for gmail.
> Please file bugs with log files for issues you come across, along with 
> a description of the exact point it happens.
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/dekko/+filebug
> We are aware of people experiencing crashes, and alot of it seems to 
> be specific to the bq devices, which I currently do not own. I have 
> been unable to reproduce the issues on my nexus 4 so it's been hard to 
> pinpoint the problems. I've been at the mercy of users trying out 
> patches for me, until I can get my hands on one of these devices.
> A lot of improvements are being made, so the stability should improve 
> considerably over the next few updates.
> Cheers
> Dan Chapman
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