[ubuntu-uk] SOT - Pre-installed Linux machine vendors

Gordon Burgess-Parker gbplinux at gmail.com
Sat Oct 13 17:28:35 UTC 2012

On 13/10/12 18:21, Anton Kanishchev wrote:
> As far as I am aware there is also system76 that sell laptops with 
> Linux pre installed. I think it only does ubuntu but not sure myself.

Unfortunately they're in America!

> Bearing in mind that laptops with Linux pre installed are not 
> significantly cheaper than their windows counterparts. You would have 
> more choice if you include windows laptops in your search. You can 
> always wipe it if you don't want windows on your laptop.

Yes - that's what I did with my current laptop, but only because the 
later versions of Ubuntu (beginning with 10.04 and now with 12.04) 
supported the hardware - previous versions did not. (Well not all of it).
That's my concern - that if I buy an up to the minute laptop with 
Windows installed, and then find that 12.04 doesn't work properly, I'm 
in for a (possible) lot of hassle - hence the desire to get one with 
Ubuntu pre-installed.


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