[ubuntu-uk] Nautilus problem in 12.10 ....

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Sat Aug 11 21:07:19 UTC 2012

On 11/08/12 18:08, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On the old nautilus if you were in a folder and typed something then
>> it skipped down to the first matching file.  In the new one if you
>> just type then it opens the search bar and filters the current folder
>> based on what you type (without recursing),  To get it to do a full
>> search I believe you have to click All Files, and that seems to do
>> nothing.  Does that agree with your experience?
> This I find infuriating. I frequently used to just tap the first 
> letter or two of a file to jump to it in a list. Looks like I need a 
> new file manager. :(

Yes - I agree with what it is doing.  Actually, I think it has 
possibilities - providing it is made to recurse the trees.  If that 
isn't going to happen, it's going to be pretty much useless.

Regards,        Barry.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.

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