[ubuntu-uk] Feeling tortured by Ubuntu

Simon Greenwood sfgreenwood at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 12:08:07 UTC 2011

On 18 October 2011 12:49, Kris Douglas <krisdouglas at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I use Ubuntu in the workplace, I am having a problem with it at
> the moment that is beginning to drive me a bit mad.
> I have upgraded to the latest version this week, and I am seeing
> graphical artefacts every so often, which is new, but they do go away
> after I have logged in. The worst problem I am having, is after around
> 6-10 hours of use, the system begins to run slowly, and by that I mean
> the interface becomes a lot less responsive, etc.
> I have tried downgrading and upgrading my Nvidia 9600GT card's drivers
> and it has had little effect.
> This is denting my productivity now and I was wondering if anyone had
> a solution to the problem I am experiencing?
Which architecture are you using?

Which drivers are you using at the moment?

Does the system seem to start to labour? Does the GPU fan spin up? Open a
command line and run top, is anything taking a lot of CPU?

I had similar problems on my Dell XPS M1330 running 64-bit a couple of years
ago and while never getting to the bottom of the problem apart from
identifying it as something to do with java and flash in Firefox, the usable
solution was to run 32-bit with PAE.


Twitter: @sfgreenwood
"post-apocalyptic allen keys"
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