[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu - Wrong Direction?

scoundrel50a scoundrel50a at gmail.com
Fri Dec 2 13:11:00 UTC 2011

On 02/12/11 12:40, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 02/12/11 12:24, scoundrel50a wrote:
>> Going round in cirlces again, we had this discussion not long ago and it
>> seems every year we have the same one (and I remember 7.04 being
>> intropduced), and the same things are being talked about and the same
>> attitude if you dont like it, go somewhere else.
> Your mail seems more tailored to people wanting support. My comments 
> are not relating to support "my display doesn't work" but "Ubuntu is 
> rubbish, it should change" style comments.

Not really a comment about a OS especially one which has gone through 
such a drastic change as this one has, and when it still is really 
buggy, it will cause people problems especially when it was done without 
really letting people know about that change....and to get an answer 
basically well go somewhere else, doesnt help, and I would say it is a 
support question......
> If you can't make it work, by all means try various methods to get 
> support. If you don't _like_ Ubuntu then it's entirely within your 
> rights to use a different distro, and if we can't accommodate your 
> requirements we are perfectly within our rights to say "try another 
> distro".
>> I still have a computer that is fairly new, and I cant get 11.04 or
>> 11.10 to install on it, and I still havent been able to get help to see
>> if it will ever be able to get it to work, I had to buy a new computer
>> another one, not many people will do that....very few in fact
>> would.......and I am getting support from the company that I bought it
>> from, or I would have had similar problems, not being able to get
>> support.....
> If I recall last time we discussed this we recommended trying 
> http://askubuntu.com/ to get some support. How did that work out?
> Al.
I will answer this one again, it doesnt help......

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