[ubuntu-uk] Command line in Google Chrome

John Matthews jakewc2 at sky.com
Tue Jun 22 08:13:13 BST 2010

On 22/06/10 00:34, Bruno Girin wrote:
> On Mon, 2010-06-21 at 22:59 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
>> On 21 June 2010 20:16, John Matthews<jakewc2 at sky.com>  wrote:
>>> I cant remember having a computer that didnt use a mouse,
>> The first mouse I bought for a PC was a 3-button white serial one (see
>> pic below) from CPC around 1993, but I certainly had used mice on
>> non-PC computers like the BBC Micro way before that.
> I remember my first mouse very well. It was an AMX Mouse for my Amstrad
> CPC 464. I just found a copy of the manual in French online and here are
> the installation instructions (worth a read to see how lucky we are
> these days!):
> The installation of the mouse if incredibly simple. You just have to
> strictly follow the instructions below:
>       1. Switch off the monitor and disconnect it from the power socket.
>       2. Unplug the 5V cable that links the monitor to the computer.
>       3. Plus the AMX Mouse interface in the joystick port, which is
>          located at the back of the Amstrad microcomputer. It is the
>          9-pin connector in the shape of a "D" (on the left on the
>          CPC6128).
>       4. Connect the power cord of the interface to the power socket (5V)
>          of the Amstrad microcomputer. This is the wire that ends with a
>          plug similar to the one of the Amstrad's power cable.
>       5. Connect the AMX Mouse to the interface using the 20-pin IDC
>          connector. This connector is polarised and ensures that the
>          mouse can only be connected one way.
>       6. Plug the power cable of the Amstrad microcomputer in the socket
>          on the power cable of the interface.
>       7. Reconnect to main power and switch the computer on.
> And once you'd done all this correctly, you had a working mouse. Of
> course, none of the software available for the Amstrad supported a mouse
> so the AMX mouse also came with a dedicated drawing package (4 colours:
> black, white and 2 extra colours to choose from a palette of 27:
> standard Amstrad video mode 1)
> Sorry about this digression, I ended up down memory lane when reading
> Popey's post :-)
> Bruno

No, please dont apologise, I actually find it fascinating reading about 
things like that. Thank you.


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