[ubuntu-uk] Command line in Google Chrome
John Matthews
jakewc2 at sky.com
Tue Jun 22 08:11:35 BST 2010
On 21/06/10 22:59, Alan Pope wrote:
> On 21 June 2010 20:16, John Matthews<jakewc2 at sky.com> wrote:
>> did you use MS DOS?
>> I never used a pc till about 10 years ago, and most
>> of it is self taught.
> I think my first PC was 20 years ago :S and also self taught :)
>> I cant remember having a computer that didnt use a mouse,
> The first mouse I bought for a PC was a 3-button white serial one (see
> pic below) from CPC around 1993, but I certainly had used mice on
> non-PC computers like the BBC Micro way before that.
> http://acorn.chriswhy.co.uk/32bit_Upgrades/CPC_Mouse.html
>> I remember a
>> friend of mine had one, that he talked about, but I never saw it. I wish
>> I had, it would make life easier.
> It's easy. Unplug the mouse. You can pretty much operate a PC without
> a mouse these days :) You'll soon learn the shortcuts to doing things.
> The following wiki page is useful too.
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KeyboardShortcuts
>> I am barely managing to use the pc, never mind learn not to use the
>> mouse, lol.
> What happens when the mouse disappears and it's all touch screen? :D
> Cheers,
> Al.
> p.s I started typing this reply about 2 hours ago as I thought 'when
> _did_ I buy my first PC' and this led me to start creating a time line
> of my computer-owning history, which also subsequently led to me
> rummaging for photos, notes and so on. My memory isn't what it was, I
> should have committed these details to paper sooner!
hehe, 20 years ago, dear me, I was still using a typewriter then, and no
it wasnt electric. We had computers on the wards that I was on, but
nurses werent allowed to go near them, lol.
You should put together a time line of all the pc's you have had, I
would think it would be fascinating to read about. Genuine thought
there. Some of the machines you have mentioned mean nothing to me.
Ah, I doubt I would ever get to own one myself, just way too expensive,
but having touch screens would make things sooooo much easier. I could
really get to like one of those. The iPad comes close, but even that is
too expensive for me.
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