[ubuntu-uk] Meeting minutes

pmgazz pmgazz at gmx.co.uk
Sat Jun 5 13:50:34 BST 2010

> Details of an Ubuntu-UK/Canonical event in London on the 13th July
> focussed on Ubuntu in Business. . . .

> Exhibiting at non-tech events, such as car boot sales and goat festivals (there is a link to that but you will have to read the minutes to find it)
How about VCS (aka NGOs)? I already organise events which publicise FOSS 
in general and Ubuntu in particular for this sector in partnership with 
infrastructure organisations such as LCVS and ELCVS Network (am doing 
some Ubuntu demos for VCOs at City.comm CVS Fair next week for example). 
I do a handout and have racked up a fair bit of experience in talking to 
non-techies about Ubuntu.

I've just got a bit of Lottery funding to set up a portable Ubuntu 
training suite and some free 'taster' sessions for VCOs - which I'll be 
getting together over the next couple of months.

I've done a couple of pilots with VCOs - one with an LTSP and a couple 
with stand-alone desktops. All the 'guineapigs' are still using their 
Ubuntu setups one-year down the line.

Skimmed the minutes, but missed the link, can someone save me a bit of 
time and paste the link? Much obliged . . .



Paula Graham
Mobile: 07768 362 795
paula at fossbox.org.uk

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