[ubuntu-uk] Playing wmv video

jim.cameron at buhlersortex.com jim.cameron at buhlersortex.com
Thu Jun 3 11:20:32 BST 2010

Pallottini Aymeric:
> Has anybody come across this? Why should I need destop
> effects enabled to play wmv?

It's unlikely that you need desktop effects to play video, but very likely that you need direct rendering to get either.

> I have an intel 945 video card with medibuntu video codec.

According to the page at http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2#Using_xrandr_to_do_useful_things (although it's rather out of date), the maximum virtual desktop size if you want direct rendering with your chipset is 2048x2048. Does video playback work with dual screen when you set the resolution to be <2048 pixels across?

Jim Cameron
Software Engineer

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