[ubuntu-uk] Meeting minutes

Alan Bell alan.bell at theopenlearningcentre.com
Sat Jun 5 14:05:12 BST 2010

pmgazz wrote:
>> Details of an Ubuntu-UK/Canonical event in London on the 13th July
>> focussed on Ubuntu in Business. . . . 
>> Exhibiting at non-tech events, such as car boot sales and goat festivals (there is a link to that but you will have to read the minutes to find it)
> How about VCS (aka NGOs)? I already organise events which publicise
> FOSS in general and Ubuntu in particular for this sector in
> partnership with infrastructure organisations such as LCVS and ELCVS
> Network (am doing some Ubuntu demos for VCOs at City.comm CVS Fair
> next week for example). I do a handout and have racked up a fair bit
> of experience in talking to non-techies about Ubuntu.
> I've just got a bit of Lottery funding to set up a portable Ubuntu
> training suite and some free 'taster' sessions for VCOs - which I'll
> be getting together over the next couple of months.
I will do a bit of alphabet soup translation for those wondering why a
Version Control System might also be known as an NGO
VCS= Voluntary and Community Sector
NGO=Non Governmental Organisation
LCVS=Liverpool Charitable and Voluntary Services?
ELCVS=East London Councils for Voluntary Service Network
VCO= Voluntary or Charitable Organisation

The portable Ubuntu training suite sounds very interesting, I look
forward to hearing more about that.

> I've done a couple of pilots with VCOs - one with an LTSP and a couple
> with stand-alone desktops. All the 'guineapigs' are still using their
> Ubuntu setups one-year down the line.
LTSP, at least that one is what we would expect it to be!

> Skimmed the minutes, but missed the link, can someone save me a bit of
> time and paste the link? Much obliged . . .
> Paula
minutes are always at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam/LastMeeting the link
to the goat festival is http://akgraner.com/?p=471


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