[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Karmic (9.10) party

Lucy lucybridges at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 14:19:01 BST 2009

2009/10/8 Jon Spriggs <jon at spriggs.org.uk>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Here's a good start, created about a year back:
> http://geekup.org/wiki/index.php?title=PossibleVenuesInManchester
> There's also: Revolution Deansgate, which has a back room, that can
> take about 30-40 people, a mezzanine which can take about 15-20 and a
> larger room downstairs which can take (I estimate) 50-100

I think the downstairs room might be our best bet. Or failing that,
one of the other bars along that stretch.

> And, Manchester Hackspace (@MadLab on Twitter) should be up and
> running by then - could be useful?
> BBC Backstage supported the Manchester Release Party for 9.04 -
> @cubicgarden on Twitter/identi.ca was behind arranging the room for
> that.

I suspect/hope there are will be too many people for that again. The
BBC is great for smaller meet ups, but not so practical for the larger

> Manchester Free Software were able to use a room at one of the
> Manchester University Buildings just recently for Software Freedom Day
> - - http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/europe/uk/manchester - Perhaps
> someone could contact fsuk-manchester-team at nongnu.org to ask for
> contact details they used to use the Kilburn Building?

Unfortunately, the room in question took quite a bit of sorting out,
what with the risk assessment forms, and did cost quite a bit of money
to hire :/

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