[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Karmic (9.10) party

Gordon Allott gord.allott at canonical.com
Thu Oct 8 16:11:08 BST 2009

On Thu, 2009-10-08 at 14:19 +0100, Lucy wrote:
> 2009/10/8 Jon Spriggs <jon at spriggs.org.uk>:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> > Here's a good start, created about a year back:
> > http://geekup.org/wiki/index.php?title=PossibleVenuesInManchester
> >
> > There's also: Revolution Deansgate, which has a back room, that can
> > take about 30-40 people, a mezzanine which can take about 15-20 and a
> > larger room downstairs which can take (I estimate) 50-100
> I think the downstairs room might be our best bet. Or failing that,
> one of the other bars along that stretch.

Do we know how much this kind of thing costs? always bearing in mind
that ubuntu release parties are impromptu things done by the community
without sponsorship from canonical sooo y'know.. cheep ;)

> > And, Manchester Hackspace (@MadLab on Twitter) should be up and
> > running by then - could be useful?
> >
> > BBC Backstage supported the Manchester Release Party for 9.04 -
> > @cubicgarden on Twitter/identi.ca was behind arranging the room for
> > that.
> I suspect/hope there are will be too many people for that again. The
> BBC is great for smaller meet ups, but not so practical for the larger
> ones.

Ideally i would hope that the bbc could be a backup if we can't find
anywhere else, I would rather pack out a small venue than have an empty
large one anyway :)

Gordon Allott <gord.allott at canonical.com>
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