[ubuntu-uk] Manchester Karmic (9.10) party

Jon Spriggs jon at spriggs.org.uk
Thu Oct 8 11:42:17 BST 2009

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Here's a good start, created about a year back:

There's also: Revolution Deansgate, which has a back room, that can
take about 30-40 people, a mezzanine which can take about 15-20 and a
larger room downstairs which can take (I estimate) 50-100

And, Manchester Hackspace (@MadLab on Twitter) should be up and
running by then - could be useful?

BBC Backstage supported the Manchester Release Party for 9.04 -
@cubicgarden on Twitter/identi.ca was behind arranging the room for

Manchester Free Software were able to use a room at one of the
Manchester University Buildings just recently for Software Freedom Day
- - http://softwarefreedomday.org/teams/europe/uk/manchester - Perhaps
someone could contact fsuk-manchester-team at nongnu.org to ask for
contact details they used to use the Kilburn Building?

I hope some of these help?
- --
Jon "The Nice Guy" Spriggs LPIC-1 Certified

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2009/10/7 Gordon Allott <gord.allott at canonical.com>:
> On Sat, 2009-09-26 at 21:57 +0100, Gordon Allott wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sooo its that time of year again when we need to start organising release
>> parties and since I am closest to Manchester.. :)
>> So yeah this thread is a good place for discussion on that, venues? dates? ideas?
>> Karmic is released on thursday (always a thursday) the 29th october but there's
>> nothing that says it has to be held on a thursday.
>> so yeah, venues, dates and any ideas of things to do there are all welcome.
>> Gord,
> so anyone have any ideas about venues? I wouldn't even know where to
> start :) pref someone in manchester
> --
> Gordon Allott <gord.allott at canonical.com>
> Canonical
> --
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