[ubuntu-uk] insurance for meetings

Lucy lucybridges at gmail.com
Tue Oct 6 10:17:05 BST 2009

2009/10/5 Paul Sutton <zleap at zleap.net>:
> Hash: SHA1
> What are peoples experience with any requirements for personal liability
> insurance for things like lug events,  or install days.
> I remember at our first lug meet at exeter uni. back around year
> 2000,.we just got people to sign a disclaimer,
> Just wondered, it may help dclug members when organising things like
> install days.

My experience has been that the venue has provided the insurance, or
we've just met informally in a public place so as a pub and so
insurance wasn't needed. I guess if you were meeting in somewhere like
a scout hut/church hall things might be different.

I don't actually know what the law is in regards to this though.
Anyone know when PLI is actually needed?

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