[ubuntu-uk] (no subject)

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sun Nov 29 12:36:30 GMT 2009

2009/11/29 JONATHAN TAYLOR <jonptaylor at btinternet.com>

>  Hi,
> Recently I downloaded the file for my mum's Canon iP4600 printer and
> installed it.
> It worked after the install, and we restarted Ubuntu so that I could see it
> working after a restart and it appeared to be ok. Trouble started the
> following day when after an update the printer decided it didn't want to
> work. It sits there after receiving the document cycling through it's start
> up cycle and then stops, it doesn't print anything. I've tried removing the
> printer from Ubuntu and reinstalling it, this seems to work until Ubuntu is
> restarted, then back to the same problem. I know I'm doing something wrong,
> I just don't know what!
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> Jon
Is it possible you are out of ink or something?  On the 4300 that I have an
orange light flashes on the printer and you have to look in the book to see
what it means.  I do not get the popups on screen indicating the problem
that I did in windows.

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