[ubuntu-uk] virtualBox

David King linuxman at avoura.com
Sat Jul 4 22:08:46 BST 2009

You also need to install libcurl3 if you do not have it already before 
installing VirtualBox 3.0.

David King wrote:
> Download the latest version from 
> http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads
> The latest version is 3.0.0, which I only just discovered when checking 
> the download page. I was using 2.2.4, which was good.
> Do not use the Ubuntu repository version, as it does not have support 
> for USB.
> I think that for me VirtualBox is a vital piece of software, and running 
> other OSes in virtual machines is great, good for learning other 
> systems, and for running Windows programs that will not run in 
> Wine/CrossOver (like Sony Vegas). It also allows you to have multiple 
> copies of the same virtual OS. You can install an OS, then clone it, and 
> thus have a backup of that OS, or you might want to do different things 
> with the OS but not all in the same machine as that might cause 
> conflicts. For example, installing too many programs in Windows was 
> always a problem in the past (before I migrated to Linux), but having 
> separate Windows virtual machines means each one can be dedicated to a 
> specific task. And I have noticed that the virtual Windows XP loads much 
> quicker than a normal install of it.
> I have also noticed that when I used Ubuntu 8.04 things were a bit 
> slower and using more memory, but with Ubuntu 9.04 they load quicker, 
> including the virtual machines, and it uses less RAM in use.
> David King
> Norman Silverstone wrote:
>> I am seriously considering installing VirtualBox and would welcome some
>> advice on which version to go for. I shall be running Ubuntu 9.04 and
>> would like to be able to use USB.
>> Thanks in advance
>> Norman

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